Film: Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Last night, the last of three films in a row, but the start of three Meetups in a row: I was back with The Hideout! Well, I was hardly going to miss the last of the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, having seen the first two with them as well - showing in the Prince Charles again. Of course, they were in conjunction with Movie Roadhouse London (MRL), as usual - the alternative choice was Blade. Meeting in the Clubhouse beforehand, as usual - and yay, my favourite restaurant had space! so I booked.

It shouldn't be as hard as other journeys, this - but it turned out to be one of those nightmares. I should have been able to get buses - but the first sign of trouble came at the bus stop:

Four buses due at the same time.. and one finishing there, where it never normally does? Well, if that wasn't enough, we had a long, stationery line of traffic to tell us that there were severe traffic delays. I've never actually seen it as bad - when 15 minutes had passed, and the traffic hadn't moved more than about a foot (in fact, peering down the road, I could see three of those four buses stuck in traffic), I decided I'd be better off walking to London Bridge and taking the Tube

Passed stop after stop on the way, all with crowds of people looking curiously to see where their buses were.. I could have told them, the problem is on Tanner Street/Druid Street. The traffic was so badly backed up there - I saw as I passed - that it was blocking anything from coming down Tooley Street; the turnoff for Tanner Street is just past where I'd been waiting for the bus. And I know, from taking the bus to work, that Druid Street is as bad. Anyway, I was right to walk - I was actually about to turn into London Bridge Station when a bus finally passed me!

And then I had the Tube - and from there, couldn't even take a direct one. The Jubilee Line was crammed, of course - I had to wait for the third train before I could squeeze on; at least they came every minute. And I was only going two stops - happily, the Northern Line was quiet enough that I even got a seat. Although it was boiling hot. Anyway, I ended up only five minutes late for my reservation.

It was weird, having chicken after two days in a row of steak - but delicious, as always. And I do have to wonder whether the fly that was so interested in me is the same one that always shows up there - the house fly, perhaps? Anyway, I was nearly finished my main when the organiser messaged us that he'd arrived - earlier than expected - so I made tracks. Moseyed on down to where they normally are - and we had a lovely get-together before our respective films. I say films - exactly one person from our group was going to Blade! Ah well.. we did a lot of chatting about things other than Return of the Jedi, too - Kneecap, for instance, is still a topic of conversation, I'm delighted to hear. Excellent film - and its rating has even increased since I last looked!

And so to the film - wary of having to go to the toilet during the film (like the last couple of times), I skipped having any more wine at the cinema. And hallelujah, that problem didn't arise. And ooh, seeing it on the big screen again, after so long.. was fantastic. I'd actually forgotten the great scene where the emperor arrives on the Death Star - so theatrical, like anything to do with him. A larger-scale version of Vader's arrival on the original Death Star in Episode IV.

And oh, all the memories brought back by the desert scenes at the start - and the forest scenes later. And all the video games this film spawned! It was the era for them - and I'm sure I remember a game where you rode a forest speeder - and one where you tried to fly into the Death Star to destroy it! But for me, the best bit will always be the ultimate lightsabre battle.. the soaring music, the intensity, the passion and the desperation - there's nothing else like it. We didn't even bother to rate it afterwards - no-brainer, top marks. Jonny, the group leader, is a new-found fan, having been distracted all this time by Star Trek! Ah, a great night.. and gee, no problems getting the bus home! It ran quite late though, and I was too tired to blog last night.

Tonight, London Literary Walks (LLW) is headed off on a walk entitled Cold War Russia. Meeting in The Champion beforehand, right across from the Russian Embassy - and they do food, but don't take bookings for just one person. So I'll have to wing it.

And tomorrow, The Hideout (and MRL) have their late summer social! Delighted the vote was for this day - it's the only one I can make. In the BFI Riverfront Bar (Balcony), as usual. I've booked Black & Blue again. Then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend.

On Monday, TAC is offering free tickets to a Baroque/classical mandolin concert at Cadogan Hall! They do ask for a donation to a cancer hospital of at least what you would have paid - apparently the concert is in aid of that - mind you, they don't say which hospital! Seeing a GOSH appeal during the ads before the film on Sunday, I assume it's them. I've booked for Cote Sloane Square beforehand - they, at least, fixed their service issues! Unlike the one at Hay's Galleria..

Then, three more Meetups in a row. On Tuesday, I'm with Up in the Cheap Seats (UITCS) at The Old Vic for The Real Thing, by Tom Stoppard. Eating beforehand in The Duke of Sussex - which does sell out, so it's better to book.

Next Wednesday, back with LLW for The Magic Toyshop. Meeting in The Alexandra, Clapham, which only does pizza - but I'll manage.

On the 19th, back with UITCS for a play called The Lightest Element, at Hampstead Theatre - and there's a terrific deal with Time Out!

On the 20th, I'm back with CT for the Backyard Comedy Club, first time in ages!

And on the 21st - yay, he's back! Laurence Summers is taking the 45+ Not Grumpies on a walk around Shoreditch & Spitalfields..


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