Film: Kneecap

I'm just back from a weekend in Ireland again. Film for the weekend was ambiguous - Alien: Romulus was released on Friday, and is probably worth a look, but not quite as highly rated as Kneecap, whose rating keeps rising, and which I was keen to see, so that was fine. It's the biopic of the band of the same name, from Belfast, who rap in Irish and have caused massive controversy with their aggressive lyrics, and drugtaking. They play themselves - the film also stars Michael Fassbender as Móglaí Bap's father, and even Gerry Adams makes an appearance! In common with one interviewer I read, I actually thought that scene was CGI - apparently not, he was very keen. It was more the language he objected to than the drugtaking, mind - asked for that bit to be toned down! Oh, and Emily Lamey, best known from Fair City, has a cameo as someone who rocks up after one of their gigs to let them know that they got her speaking Irish! And wouldn't you know it, she's still wearing the heavy chain necklace she's never without in Fair City.. Both films showing in Limerick Omniplex. I booked for Kneecap.

It was in one of the smaller screens, which was about half full. Interestingly, an elderly couple of ladies sat in the row in front of me - and it was a very mixed audience. I did wonder how they were getting on as the film progressed! This film is.. terrific. As that interviewer said, it's a ketamine-fuelled roller coaster.. to a great beat. NOT recommended for anyone who objects to.. swearing, nudity, sex, violence, extensive drug use, or hip-hop. Everyone else.. read on!

Apparently they went to acting classes beforehand - and it paid off in spades. That same interviewer said DJ Próvaí was so good in it he thought he was a professional actor - I have to say I agree. As Michael Fassbender confirms in another interview, and as comes across in any interview with them, these guys are smart, they're professional. They worked on the script, they played themselves, and they bring a fantastic energy to it - now, they do admit that it's not all true! Two things I have heard confirmed as true: firstly, Móglaí Bap was indeed, as in the opening scene of the film, christened at a Mass rock, and the ceremony was disrupted by an RUC helicopter that thought they were up to something sectarian. And secondly, DJ Próvaí did indeed lose his teaching job for exposing his buttocks at a concert, which had BRITS OUT written prominently across them..

It's fast-paced, frequently hilarious, and all to an irresistible beat. And hell, if half of it is true, it's audacious.. I've heard it compared to A Hard Day's Night (wonder how Kneecap (the band) would feel about that). Very highly recommended. For people who aren't offended by any of the foregoing. But it ran too late to blog about it last night.

Tomorrow - well, after all that film list fiddling, I couldn't resist going with The Hideout to see Star Wars: Episode IV, at the Prince Charles again.. I could have skipped doing the film list at all, this is just too good! Bella Italia again beforehand.. shall I have the same table, and meet the same waiter, as the last two times? Think I'll switch back to the doughballs though, it's been too long.. and this time, yes we are meeting at Clubhouse 5 before the film! which is showing quite late.

The next two days, it's TAC. On Tuesday, I'm at a play called The Weyard Sisters, a comedy about the witches in Macbeth. Showing in Riverside Studios.

On Wednesday, I'm at Sinatra & Friends with Gary Williams, a tribute show at the Crypt Cafe at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Then, two Meetup socials in a row. On Thursday, I'm headed to The Hideout's "Summer Social Part II" - in conjunction with another of their groups, which used to be called The London Movie Club, and is now known as Movie Roadhouse London. It's in the BFI Riverfront Bar - there was a little confusion as to whether it's upstairs, as usual, or downstairs.. the description said both.. but now it's confirmed to be downstairs. Ouch, noisier..

And on Friday, I'm back with the 45+ Not Grumpy Old Londoners - first time in an age! Not a walk this time though - no, this is a pre-trip social for those who've signed up for the trip to Bucharest and Transylvania in October! Yes, I finally got around to booking it - it's at the beginning of October, I suppose to avoid the Hallowe'en crowds. The social is on the Tattershall Castle - long time since I was there. I've put in the holiday request at work, still waiting for approval - perhaps they're waiting for my probation review, which happens in the meantime..


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