Comedy: So You Think You're Funny?

This evening, I was with CT again - and back with the Backyard Comedy Club! About time.. my though, the traffic was still dreadful - partly because of the omni-present roadworks. Seems as though every street in London is being dug up.. Anyway, I arrived a bit later than I wanted, but still managed to be the first there - she actually brought my food over to me, as there was nobody else in the bar! I was starving, so ate before going up to collect my wristband - I swear, I caught him glaring at me, wondering when I was going to come over.. he did remember me, although it's a while since I was last here.

I managed to get finished - and a second glass of wine in - before the house opened, and got a decent table, not too close to the front:

"So You Think You're Funny?" is a competition for places in the Edinburgh Fringe - and by the sound of it, competition is fierce. Interestingly, a couple of tonight's performers were trans.. and by and large, the comedy was entertaining. Although I have to say, I couldn't agree with the MC when he remarked that he'd let them all through - some just weren't that good, and a couple really showed their inexperience. But hey, it's always a good night here, a comfortable and friendly environment. Glad to be back.

The bus back home was full of a raucous crowd, out on the town - one bloke in particular was very loud and aggressive, his pals trying to get him to "chill" - to no avail. With them occupying the whole area in front of the central doors, the driver was good enough, when a single woman wanted to get off, to let her off by the front. Mercifully, they got off themselves long before I did. But I had to laugh when I checked Facebook, when I got home.. someone was complaining about exactly the same thing I had been on my way to the club, with all the roadworks - she even said she'd spotted two diversion signs, side by side, pointing in opposite directions!

Now that the film list is done, I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Honestly, what was coming up on my list wasn't as interesting as what The Hideout are doing, so I'm joining them instead, for The Strangers: Chapter 1, at the Vue West End as usual. These films always disturb the hell out of me - but that's the point, isn't it! Eating at the adjacent Bella Italia, as usual.

On Saturday, also film - this time on my own, and I'm heading to Big Banana Feet, a documentary about Billy Connolly in action in Ireland in 1975. I love Billy Connolly.. will adore this. Closest showing is in Picturehouse Central. And the film is mid-afternoon, so I'm grabbing the time beforehand for a much-needed haircut! At last.. it's just been so hectic, I haven't had the time. Unfortunately, I'd have liked to eat in Bella Italia again, but it's completely unavailable all day - guess I'll just see what I can find, there won't be any great rush anyway.

On Sunday, back with Discover London - History Walks and Events for a walk about The Great Fire of London. I love these walks - it'll be nice to get back to one.

On Monday, last film of the week - I'm off to see Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger, closest showing in The Curzon Bloomsbury. As usual, much easier to book on the app - but even that isn't without its problems, constantly telling me there's a problem with my payment method right before sending me a purchase receipt! Freaky..

On Tuesday, back for the first time since St. Patrick's Day with Buddies on a Budget (BoB) in London - we're off to The Globe for Richard III. With a woman in the title role.. could be interesting. Ah, The Globe - must be summer! And I can walk there - I've booked a table in The Anchor for dinner beforehand.

On Wednesday, for once, I'm staying in - I have a Zoom talk given by the writers of a book called Seven Myths that Changed England. Turns out it's an LSE event.. and blast it, I saw it on cheap ticket sites, but it turns out to be completely free.. actually, I might head to the in-person event instead, I'll see how I feel.

Next Thursday, I'm with London Social and Cultural Meetups, first time in months - we're going to a photo exhibition at Estorick. Then I'm back to Ireland for the next bank holiday.

On the 28th, another of those cheap ticket talks - this one is by Asne Seierstad, and is at The Conduit, on the subject of Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

On the 29th, back with London Literary Walks at last - my Wednesdays are just so busy! This is a walk about Island Records - U2's old label, so of course I have an interest..

And on the 30th, back with London Hot 100 - we're at the New Wimbledon Theatre for Jimmy Carr Laughs Funny.


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