End of Summer Social

Last night, the last Meetup of the week - The Hideout (and Movie Roadhouse London) had their end of summer social! Delighted the vote was for this day - it was the only one I could make. In the BFI, as usual. I booked Black & Blue again.

It meant a dash from the office. Funnily enough, someone in the office was trying to get people to go for drinks, was having trouble finding takers. I'd nearly have invited him, but I was eating first.. and I didn't think he'd want to go all that way.. and of course, he didn't know anyone that would be there. Anyway, I could have walked, but in the interests of staying in the office a bit later, I took the Tube. Which, again, was uncrowded - of the three "midweek" days I've been on the Tube this week, only Tuesday was a nightmare: wonder whether that's an indication of WFH trends..? Anyway, picked up a paper en route:

I was sure I was slightly late for my booking, but the maitre d' assured me I was right on time. And he recognised me - or perhaps my name, since I booked so often lately. Chatted away as he seated me - but someone else served me. And got the wrong kind of chips - I wanted skinny, got chunky. I didn't think it was worth flagging.

Steak wasn't great this time either - far too fatty. I don't mind a little fat, but there was so much on this I'd have had to spend most of my time chewing it - I cut most of it off and left it. It's ages since I had such a fatty steak! The mushrooms were as gorgeous as ever - but I'm kind of glad I don't plan on being back here for the foreseeable future.. didn't have dessert, as it was already time by then to meet the group: we were meeting a bit earlier than usual. In fact, someone commented as I was on my way over, to say there were a couple of them there already..

I can't remember exactly, but think this was originally advertised as being in the Balcony Bar. Probably was, considering our organiser messaged earlier in the day, to emphasise that we were downstairs. And then I kind of assumed it was downstairs in the Riverfront Bar, I'm just so used to it - so it's a good thing that I always do a careful check right beforehand. Because it was in the Lounge - a term I wasn't familiar with, but we turned out to be just off the Main Bar. (Oy ve, what a complicated building..) 

Anyway, nice, comfy corner we had. And the guy at the bar assured me that the house white was the closest they have to Sauvignon Blanc - so that was cheaper than usual for me then! I met familiar faces, and some new ones.. and we had a fine old chat. As ever. Lots of film talk, lots of horror talk.. It's always a fun group to meet, and I look forward to the next occasion. Whenever that might be. The bus whisked me home - but I was, as usual, too tired to blog last night.

Tonight, I'm back to Ireland for the weekend. Film for tomorrow is looking like Speak No Evil - whose rating has risen since I last looked (ironically, this group is going the same day, in London). Now, I remember seeing the trailer for this ages ago.. I guess it's one of those that got delayed in production.. anyway, it's the story of an American family that make friends with a British family on holiday. James McAvoy is the patriarch, and invites them to stay if they're ever around where they live, in the countryside. When they arrive, however, they start to realise something is seriously wrong.. Showing in the Omniplex, and I would have booked, but the site doesn't seem to be working properly. Never mind, it doesn't seem to have any bookings yet - I'm sure it'll be fine.

On Monday, TAC is offering free tickets to a Baroque/classical mandolin concert at Cadogan Hall! They do ask for a donation to a cancer hospital of at least what you would have paid - apparently the concert is in aid of that - mind you, they don't say which hospital! Seeing a GOSH appeal during the ads before the film on Sunday, I assume it's them. I've booked for Cote Sloane Square beforehand - they, at least, fixed their service issues! Unlike the one at Hay's Galleria..

Then, three more Meetups in a row. On Tuesday, I'm with Up in the Cheap Seats (UITCS) at The Old Vic for The Real Thing, by Tom Stoppard. Eating beforehand in The Duke of Sussex - which does sell out, so it's better to book.

On Wednesday, back with London Literary Walks for The Magic Toyshop. Meeting in The Alexandra, Clapham, which only does pizza - but I'll manage.

On Thursday, back with UITCS for a play called The Lightest Element, at Hampstead Theatre - and there's a terrific deal with Time Out!

Next Friday, I'm back with CT for the Backyard Comedy Club, first time in ages!

And on the 21st - yay, he's back! Laurence Summers is taking the 45+ Not Grumpies on a walk around Shoreditch & Spitalfields..


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