Film: The Shining (Extended Cut)

Today was my third day of film in a row - back with The Hideout, who were off to see the extended cut of The Shining, in the BFI! Ah yes - sounded better than anything else I might have gone to today, and anyway, it'd be lovely to be back with them again. I decided to eat in Black & Blue again beforehand - don't much like the limited fare in the BFI. And as all that was happening a bit early, it's just as well it was a bank holiday!

My, the buses were nice and quiet.. I couldn't avoid being early for my booking at Black & Blue, but they didn't mind. Now, after my last experience of the steak frites, I was avoiding that - had a simple sirloin, pepper sauce, sauteed mushrooms, fries. 

OMG, it was fantastic. The steak - much different from the "medium" steak I was given last time - was delicious, too good to douse in the sauce, which I used on the chips instead. That was a toss-up, mind - they were excellent too. I had peppercorn sauce, instead of the Bearnaise I don't like. And wow, the mushrooms were moreish.. such a rich flavour. With another ice cream sundae to finish, as I remarked as I was leaving, on foot of that meal, I'd be back..

And so, I was early at the BFI too! Asked the nice man at the bar about the closest thing to a Sauvignon Blanc, and had that - they have an unusual menu, here. And as people arrived, we had a lovely chat about things filmic - even if the talk did flit to Dune, briefly. And when it was time, off we went to NFT 1 - nice to see it open again, it was closed for a while with all their renovations!

Wow - have I ever seen this on the big screen before? I don't actually think that I have. I was rather blown away by the opening music.. And wouldn't you know it, it's based on a medieval funeral chant, Dies Irae.. and if it sounds familiar, it's because it's been used in any number of spooky contexts! I came across a fascinating video on the topic.. 

This was the extended version, and I definitely saw some unfamiliar scenes - in particular, relating to the family, and the little boy. No problem there, they weren't excessive, I felt. I tell you what I didn't notice was a certain scene, with Shelley Duvall running through the kitchen - perhaps it was there, but I just didn't pay attention! Either way, this was a win - that scene always irritated me..!

So, um, that was the only thing I ever didn't like about this film. Without that.. I scored it a perfect 10! (in common with most of tonight's attendees). Jack Nicholson, of course, plays a perfect villain - and the little boy, Danny Lloyd, does a wonderful job of being scared. For most of the film, those are the only - corporeal - characters we meet. The ghosts - many and varied - do a wonderful job of filling the hotel. One can only imagine them occupying the winter there alone, and delighted to have some warm-blooded humans to distract them..

It's interesting, seeing this after such a long spell. I have to say, Jack Nicholson looks sketchy from the start - I don't think I'd ever agree to be holed up somewhere isolated with him for a long time. The scene where he goes after his family with an axe - hardly a spoiler, everyone knows that one - reminded me, unfortunately, of a story I heard about the friend of a friend of mine, whose husband chased her with a hammer.. it ended more happily than this, thankfully!

A truly iconic film, so many memorable images, and truly unnerving - what more can you ask? Very glad to have seen this on the big screen. Highly recommend everyone does the same..

Tomorrow, my only non-Meetup day for the rest of the week, I'm off to see MJ The Musical! Well now, that should be an enjoyable nostalgia-fest.. I tell you though, I had terrible trouble with the official website! It was inconsistent in showing available seats, I tried several times to book but it didn't go through - I ended up having to pay a couple of quid more to book with TodayTix!

Then, two more Meetups in a row. On Wednesday, I'm back with London Literary Walks for a walk entitled Van Gogh, Harold Pinter, EM Forster. Different possible routes have been floated - there's talk of us voting on it! We're meeting in The Old Pack Horse. Now, they seem to have a Thai restaurant - but when I looked before, I couldn't see how to book! I've since managed it..

On Thursday, back with The Hideout! Goodness, they are providing lots of fun these days - they're off to the American Horror Film Festival, which turns out to be an evening of short horror films - in conjunction with Movie Roadhouse. I love short horror films! so even though, predictably, I'm not familiar with any of them - well, I just can't resist. This is in the Close-Up Cinema - pity it's so close to home for me, as I'll be in the office again that day! It's just off Brick Lane, so I've booked Cinnamon - another place I haven't been in ages! Must remember they're now BYOB.. and give a 20% discount for booking.. 

And then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend again. And Saturday is National Cinema Day, with all Omniplex tickets €5.. watch this space..


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