Fun Social on the Tattershall Castle Boat on the River, Friday Evening

Last night, second Meetup social in a row - I was back with the 45+ Not Grumpy Old Londoners - first time in an age! Not a walk this time though - no, this was advertised to us as a pre-trip social for those who've signed up for the trip to Bucharest and Transylvania in October! Yes, I finally got around to booking it - it's at the beginning of October, I suppose to avoid the Hallowe'en crowds. The social was on the Tattershall Castle - long time since I was last there. I've put in the holiday request at work, still waiting for approval - perhaps they're waiting for my probation review, which happens in the meantime..

Traffic was like treacle - at least at the start of my trip. Mind you, if it hadn't been stuck in traffic, I'd have missed my bus! Which did speed up after a while - but then, probably because it was so delayed and the driver's shift was over, terminated early, and I had to take another! Mercifully, one was right along. I had to cross Westminster Bridge, which was a bit of a nightmare - I hadn't thought to bring my sunglasses, and the sun was blinding me as I tried to push my way through the crowds - but I got there eventually. They'd given us extensive directions to get to the lounge, which they'd booked exclusively - and I'm glad, because there are three separate bars on the boat! I ran to the loo first, then what looked like the right bar (just beside it), but couldn't see where to go next. Dunno how I missed it, but once I'd got my drink ordered, I could see the sign for the group right in front of me, over the set of stairs leading down from there! And down I went.

I have to say, the group leaders couldn't have been nicer or more conscientious. One was sat near the stairs, and greeted me the minute I arrived. Not seeing a single person there that I knew, I plonked my stuff on a sofa at the end and went back upstairs to order food. There was, at this point, a slight swell, which discomfited a number of people so much that they left early! I felt a bit lightheaded myself, but was distracted when I was talking to people - and it did seem to subside later.

I ordered gammon - thought it'd be the lightest of the menu options that appealed to me. I also ordered chicken goujons as a starter. Lordy, there was some trouble getting them - but then, I hadn't known my table number when I ordered, just told him it was downstairs! The first I saw of the waiter was when he was wandering around with chips - I didn't get a proper look at mine at first, and thought those were my goujons. I soon realised my mistake, and said it to him - whereupon he went off and got them. When they arrived, I also mentioned the gammon to him - he produced it right away, so I got them all at the same time. He also said that not five minutes before, he'd been going around - I said I'd neither heard nor seen him. You have been warned - it's a bit chaotic. Neither was my stuff cleared away for hours after I'd finished.

The goujons were gorgeous - succulent, with a lovely dip. Highly recommended. The gammon was salty and tough - I didn't finish it. It comes with onion rings and a large, flat mushroom, which were lovely, and chips, which were chunky, which I'm not so keen on. But well, I was fed - although, with not everyone eating, I wasn't in the mood for dessert.

The social wasn't specifically for our trip - it was a general social, for the whole group. At one point, the main organiser asked for those who'd booked on trips to raise their hands, and asked us where we were going - it turned out I was sitting beside the one other person there who was on my trip! So that was cool, and we had a bit of a chat about that - before she returned to chatting with her friends, obviously of long standing. But I did find others to talk to - and as I say, the organisers were mingling for the whole evening. Had some lovely travel chats actually - sadly, as the evening wore on, the talk turned to Brexit, financial issues, illness and the like. Rather depressing. I was glad to leave. And despite the good efforts of the organisers, I won't be rushing back to one of these..

The next two days, I've planned film, but hadn't booked - so my plans were subject to change; Blink Twice is just out, and just rated - but not highly enough to interest me yet. Today, the plan was to go to Alien: Romulus at last - showing in my closest, the Curzon Aldgate. There are three different showings today, so I said I'd wait and see what suited. And wouldn't you know, the rating just slipped.. so I'm going to see Blood Simple instead. The first Coen brothers film, I've never actually seen it! Stars Dan Hedaya as the owner of a seedy bar, whose wife, Frances McDormand, is having an affair with one of his employees, John Getz. So he hires M. Emmet Walsh to kill them both. Holly Hunter appears as an uncredited voice on an answering machine. Showing at The Garden Cinema - a later evening showing, so I should make this one! I see it's a "members' choice" - nice to see they get to choose films here sometimes, as well as at the Prince Charles.

Tomorrow, I'm delighted to see that I finally get a chance to see Crossing! I saw the trailer for this ages ago and it looks fascinating - it was just never on at a time that suited. Well, tomorrow, it's showing at the ICA - Lordy, haven't been there in a while! Doesn't seem possible to book, there.

Monday is also film - back with The Hideout, who are off to see the extended cut of The Shining, in the BFI! Ah yes - sounds better than anything else I might have gone to that day, and anyway, it'll be lovely to be back with them again. I'll eat in Black & Blue again beforehand - don't much like the limited fare in the BFI. And as all that's happening a bit early, it's just as well it's a bank holiday!

On Tuesday, I'm off to see MJ The Musical! Well now, that should be an enjoyable nostalgia-fest.. I tell you though, I had terrible trouble with the official website! It was inconsistent in showing available seats, I tried several times to book but it didn't go through - I ended up having to pay a couple of quid more to book with TodayTix!

Then, two more Meetups in a row. On Wednesday, I'm back with London Literary Walks for a walk entitled Van Gogh, Harold Pinter, EM Forster. We're meeting in The Old Pack Horse. Now, they seem to have a Thai restaurant - but when I looked before, I couldn't see how to book! I've since managed it..

On Thursday, back with The Hideout! Goodness, they are providing lots of fun these days - they're off to the American Horror Film Festival, which turns out to be an evening of short horror films. I love short horror films! so even though, predictably, I'm not familiar with any of them - well, I just can't resist. This is in the Close-Up Cinema - pity it's so close to home for me, as I'll be in the office again that day! It's just off Brick Lane, so I've booked Cinnamon - another place I haven't been in ages! Must remember they're now BYOB.. and give a 20% discount for booking.. And then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend again.


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