Magic: Influence - The Magician's Story
Tonight, I was with Over 40 Living the Life, for the first time in months. We were headed to a magic show - Influence: The Magician's Story, at the Collective Theatre, a new venue in London! Promised to be less controversial than last night. Although, who can ever be sure..
We were meeting early enough that I didn't have much time to eat - and TBH, there isn't a lot near this theatre that enthused me. They don't do food themselves. I took the Thameslink to Finsbury Park, what with everything else taking too long (no WiFi whatsoever, despite their advertising it) - fabulous views of the Shard en route, which has gone all Christmassy:
..and went to the Pret at Finsbury Park. Which was good as ever - but I thought it ironic that they advertised their "comfy seats". Which I read as I stood to eat mine - there is no indoor seating, but the indoor heating trumps the cold, outdoor seats!
And so to the theatre, where someone asked me whether I was here for the show, and I told him that someone else had my ticket. I beat our organiser to it, but not a couple of others, one of whom is in a few of my groups, and recognised me. In fact, it was a great night for meeting people from other groups - there was another in our gathering tonight, and I swear I saw someone at the show who was at the Christmas social I was at on Saturday. The one who was asked to add some numbers, during the show. But I might be wrong about that - I only glimpsed her.
There is a general toilet, downstairs - a couple of us went for the disabled one, in the bar itself. Which seems to have a sensitive light switch - if temperamental; our organiser went in first, and the light stayed off until she was nearly finished.. I went in after her, and it promptly turned itself off! Bring a torch, you have been warned..
We had a convivial chat until it was time to go in. They have an interestingly angled staircase.. we were in pretty much the back row:
He's a consummate performer - silky voice, suave demeanour. The act is down pat - by the end, it's obvious that some things have been staged, but it's no less impressive for that. And all of his tricks are inventively presented - as usual, I was at a loss to explain some of them; regardless, even for those where I thought I knew the method, it was superbly arranged. And all part of an overall theme.. which I won't give away. Beware, if you go.. he chooses "volunteers" from as high as halfway up the seats. Be sat towards the edge away from the aisle for maximum avoidability. Only runs till Saturday - hurry, tomorrow (Friday)'s performance is already sold out..
The theatre bar is friendly, but I'm not mad about their Sauvignon Blanc. Having said that, they do have a good range of snacks. But afterwards, with the show over early, we headed to the nearest pub for a nightcap: which turned out to be The Eaglet.
Where we had a lovely chat, and some excellent beverages - oh, and the lights stay on in the loo.. A delightful evening all told, and I hope to be back with this group again before too long.
Another light show on the way home - by bus, at this time of night, with less traffic:
Tomorrow, I'm back to Ireland for the weekend. Film for Saturday is, of course, Napoleon - it's the highest rated that I want to see, haven't seen, and is showing at a time I can make. Showing, conveniently, everywhere - handiest for me is the Omniplex. Directed by Ridley Scott, but has mixed reviews. Whatever I think of the film, I'll be fascinated to see what Joaquin Phoenix does with the role - he can turn his hand to anything.
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