Film: A Quiet Place - Day 1

Yesterday was film again - so I waited until the film list was done (late on Wednesday night) before finally plumping for one. But realistically, it was only ever going to be one - The Hideout was off to see A Quiet Place: Day One. This, starring Lupita Nyong'o, is the prequel, of course, to the excellent A Quiet Place, and purports to tell the story of how it all began. Co-written by John Krasinski, who directed, co-wrote, and starred in, the first one, this is more an action film - the trailer did look excellent. And it's in the Cineworld Imax - an excellent choice of venue! (I did have some trouble with the website when I was trying to book, though.) And hey, I love the group.. Dinner, of course, was booked in the terrific Bella Italia, nearby.

Coming by bus, naturally I was late. Slightly. She said they only had an outside table - fine, I just put the coat, which I'd had to take off on the bus because it was stifling, on again. I ordered my food straight away - it's almost always the same order, for me. And I wasn't yet finished with the starter when they arrived with the main. Well, as usual it was a garlic feast for me, and delicious. And meanwhile, I could listen to the - eclectic - buskers on Leicester Square.

I finished just before the scheduled meeting time - got myself a drink at the cinema bar, grabbed an available sofa. No sign of anyone - until I overheard someone ask about Meetup, so I introduced myself - sure enough, it was them. And we chatted about - you know - our favourite horror films, until it was time to go in.

It. Was. FREEZING. We all felt it, I think - I used my coat as a blanket, so most of me was ok, but I swear, my nose was frozen. And there they were, trumpeting the virtues of the screen - I mean, the one at Waterloo is bigger. And not a million miles away. Just saying. (Not to mention, they don't freeze you.)

And so to the film. I'd read a good review in the Metro on the way in - said Lupita Nyong'o was tremendous, said the cat stole the show though (actually played by two cats). Absolutely correct on both counts. The cat proves a good distraction from the horrific creatures stalking the humans - after all, there's little dialogue, and what there is, is whispered, by and large.

Someone remarked afterwards that he was upset not to get more answers - true, the only extra information provided in this film is, quite literally, showing you how it all started. But no extra information about the aliens, where they came from, what they're doing here (apart from eating people), nor why they can't stand water. I did wonder whether that's why you never see them in the rain..

However, I loved it. Plenty of scares - the creatures look terrific, with long spindly limbs and moving fast over the tall buildings of New York (although it was actually filmed in London), they reminded me of spiders. So, a good scare there for anyone with arachnophobia. Someone else complained about all the jump scares - but I do think that's part and parcel of an action film, like this. Jump scares are OK if they fit the context. We had some fun afterwards, spotting similarities to other films - a couple of scenes really brought the Alien films to mind.

Also a heartwarming - and ultimately heartbreaking - film, with Lupita Nyong'o dying slowly in a hospice at the start, and teaming up with sundry characters along the way. And of course, the ever-present (and very well-behaved, even after a dunking in water) cat.. and that's the memory you take with you, as well as the hope that humanity can be saved. Yep, really well done - and when we were rating it outside, it got probably the highest average score from any group I've been with! Highly recommended, if you're half-interested in this franchise.

It was nice that someone wanted to go for drinks at the end - it's not typical, for non-walking groups at least. And we ended up in The Long Acre, which turned out to be quite a find - a bit noisy, but not that crowded, and we all got a table together, there was plenty of space, and Thu-Sat they're open till 3am! Not that we stayed that long, but some of us did have a few drinks, and a good chat. Caveat.. the toilets are practically in the attic, they're up so many stairs! Anyway, I was too tired to blog when I got back.

This evening, back with CT for my first classical concert in an age - Bach Piano Concertos by Candlelight, in the church of St. Mary le Strand. And gee, eating in a different Bella Italia..! Yum..

Tomorrow, I'm back with Up in the Cheap Seats (UITCS) for Your Lie in April, at the Harold Pinter. This musical is based on an apparently very popular manga - all tickets at £25, and annoyingly, it was after I booked that I found out that the seat fillers have it as well! Never mind. Booked the Angus Steakhouse for dinner, afterwards. Might actually have steak, this time.

On Monday, I'm back with CT again for Vox Anima at Cadogan Hall - time to try out Cote Sloane Square for the first time in ages!

On Tuesday, back with UITCS for Passing Strange, a rock musical at the Young Vic. So that's Bar + Block Southwark - the first of them I tried! and the best.

Wednesday is the company summer party - in The Lighterman. I guess it's heavily subscribed because, unusually, we've been asked not to come into the office that day if we can avoid it - if we're not coming to the party, or not coming from far. So, I'll go straight from home.

Thursday is film - and what's coming up is Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1, a Kevin Costner Western. Looks suitably epic - also stars Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington. Kevin Costner is also director and co-writer. Handily enough, it's showing in the Odeon Covent Garden - walking distance from the office, which I'll have to go into that day - and I can eat in Seven Dials again. Have to do that beforehand - it's three hours long.. Then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend.

On the 8th, back with TAC for another talk at The Conduit - this one is History for Tomorrow, about what we can learn from history, and is, as usual, also the occasion of a book launch. Now, here I'd normally go to Bella Italia again - but I've discovered it's actually closer to Seven Dials! So I'll probably do that.

On the 9th, back - first time in a while - with Over 40 Living the Life, for a dinner in the Greenwich Yacht Club. They actually start back doing these this coming Tuesday, but of course I'm otherwise engaged.

And on the 10th, in Greenwich again - I should nearly stay the night! This time, I'm back with London Literary Walks for The Greenwich Walk. We're meeting in The Spanish Galleon, and as usual, I've booked to eat there beforehand.


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