Magic: Influence - The Magician's Story
Tonight, I was with Over 40 Living the Life , for the first time in months . We were headed to a magic show - Influence: The Magician's Story , at the Collective Theatre , a new venue in London! Promised to be less controversial than last night . Although, who can ever be sure.. We were meeting early enough that I didn't have much time to eat - and TBH, there isn't a lot near this theatre that enthused me. They don't do food themselves. I took the Thameslink to Finsbury Park , what with everything else taking too long (no WiFi whatsoever, despite their advertising it) - fabulous views of the Shard en route, which has gone all Christmassy: ..and went to the Pret at Finsbury Park. Which was good as ever - but I thought it ironic that they advertised their "comfy seats". Which I read as I stood to eat mine - there is no indoor seating, but the indoor heating trumps the cold, outdoor seats! And so to the theatre, where someone asked me whether I was here fo...