Play: The Weyard Sisters

These two days, it's TAC. Last night, I was at a play called The Weyard Sisters, advertised as a sequel to Macbeth. Showing in Riverside Studios. Tube, naturally - and whyever it was, I have never seen it as busy as yesterday! Two trains I had to let by - although a guy with a small dog did manage to squeeze on the second, I just didn't fancy it. By the third, I was past caring - I needed to get going, and in I sidled. I finally know they're telling the truth when they say you can't fall over in a crowded Tube - finding room to breathe was tricky! In fact, one stop from where I had to change, we were held for a while - someone on a train ahead of us had been taken ill. We weren't surprised..

It was tricky to get off, too. But what a relief.. as it was to change to the cooler, more spacious, District Line, which comprised most of my journey. I was glad my train wasn't the first along, though - needed a minute. And it was a while before I got a seat on that, even.. By the time I alighted, I was well ready to be fed, and headed off to Wasabi, as usual. Where the boxes are too hot to handle and the portions too small - but it is as tasty as ever. And I didn't have time for a more substantial meal anyway, after the hassle in getting there.

I made it to Riverside in good time, and got my ticket from a rather bored-looking assistant. Got a rather nice glass of wine, and gee, soon after, it was time to go in! We were all given rather substantial programmes as we went in - containing a Scottish royal family tree, potted biographies of the characters, and snippets about the actors. I barely had time to skim it before the show started. Assigned seating, BTW - although they said, after the interval, we could sit where we liked. It was nowhere near full.

A rather cool, modern soundtrack features a couple of songs I hadn't heard in years! What follows isn't, as I thought, a comedy per se - I got the impression it was from the advertising photo. However, what it is, is a pretty faithful reproduction of Shakespeare, using the same kind of language, referencing Macbeth, and indeed including famous Shakespearian quotes from other plays. With a fair nod to medieval costumes. And it's rather good - it seems to imply that the "weyard sisters" of Macbeth are the castle housekeeper, her adopted sister - who might well be called a witch, for her weird behaviour - and their drunken sister-in-law. And the plot concerns the fallout on the castle inhabitants when Malcom Canmore returns to claim the crown following Macbeth's death, only to find Macbeth's stepson, Lulach, on the throne, and with sons of his own to rival Canmore's claim..

It's actually quite well-written - I was most impressed. Unfortunately, the writer seems to have lost interest - or perhaps ideas - for the second half: which is a real pity, because I would have loved to know what happened! No, instead, the director decides to switch tack completely to the present day, and an archaeological dig where a woman's skeleton has been discovered, whom they think was a victim of torture - the implication being that she was executed for witchcraft. It's a jarring switch, and I was rather disappointed, although in itself it's interesting enough. 

This was a preview - it officially opens tonight. And the above-mentioned weren't its only issues, as the elderly actress completely forgot her lines! They accommodated her pretty well for most of the show - either she didn't have much to say, or her lines were written on a prop she could use. Unfortunately for her, she had a solo scene in the second half, no-one to prompt her (although an usher tried), and nothing to hold - she had to apologise and walk off. I did get the impression she wasn't the only one not word-perfect either.. ah well, practice makes perfect! The show runs till the 22nd of next month - good luck to them. It is worth a look though - you don't often see people tackle an addendum to Shakespeare!

Did I notice the blue plaques outside before? If so, I'd forgotten about them.. spotted them on the way out:

Last night, it ran too late to blog.. I had another film list to do. Read on..

Tonight, I'm at Sinatra & Friends with Gary Williams, a tribute show at the Crypt Cafe at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Then, two Meetup socials in a row. Tomorrow, I'm headed to The Hideout's "Summer Social Part II" - in conjunction with another of their groups, which used to be called The London Movie Club, and is now known as Movie Roadhouse London. It's in the BFI Riverfront Bar - there was a little confusion as to whether it's upstairs, as usual, or downstairs.. the description said both.. but now it's confirmed to be downstairs. Ouch, noisier..

On Friday, I'm back with the 45+ Not Grumpy Old Londoners - first time in an age! Not a walk this time though - no, this is a pre-trip social for those who've signed up for the trip to Bucharest and Transylvania in October! Yes, I finally got around to booking it - it's at the beginning of October, I suppose to avoid the Hallowe'en crowds. The social is on the Tattershall Castle - long time since I was there. I've put in the holiday request at work, still waiting for approval - perhaps they're waiting for my probation review, which happens in the meantime..

Saturday and Sunday, I've planned film, but not booked - so my plans are subject to change: especially as Blink Twice is out, but not yet rated! On Saturday, the plan is to go to Alien: Romulus at last - showing in my closest, the Curzon Aldgate. There are three different showings that day, so I'll wait and see what suits!

On Sunday, I'm delighted to see that I finally get a chance to see Crossing! I saw the trailer for this ages ago and it looks fascinating - it was just never on at a time that suited. Well, on Sunday, it's showing at the ICA - Lordy, haven't been there in a while!

Monday is also film - back with The Hideout, who are off to see the extended cut of The Shining, in the BFI! Ah yes - sounds better than anything else I might have gone to that day, and anyway, it'll be lovely to be back with them again. I'll eat in Black & Blue beforehand - don't much like the limited fare in the BFI main bar. And as all that's happening a bit early, it's just as well it's a bank holiday!

On Tuesday, I'm off to see MJ The Musical! Well now, that should be an enjoyable nostalgia-fest.. I tell you though, I had terrible trouble with the official website! It was inconsistent in showing available seats, I tried several times to book but it didn't go through - I ended up having to pay a couple of quid more to book with TodayTix!

Then, two more Meetups in a row. Next Wednesday, I'm back with London Literary Walks for a walk entitled Van Gogh, Harold Pinter, EM Forster. We're meeting in The Old Pack Horse. Now, they seem to have a Thai restaurant - but when I looked before, I couldn't see how to book! I've since managed it..

On the 29th, back with The Hideout! Goodness, they are providing lots of fun these days - they're off to the American Horror Film Festival, which turns out to be an evening of short horror films. I love short horror films! so even though, predictably, I'm not familiar with any of them - well, I just can't resist. This is in the Close-Up Cinema - pity it's so close to home for me, as I'll be in the office that day! It's just off Brick Lane, so I've booked Cinnamon - another place I haven't been in ages! And then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend again.


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