Comedy: Can We Have a Word?

Tonight, back with CT: for The Improv Comedy Show - Can We Have a Word? at Upstairs at the Green. On what was the hottest day of the year so far - and there I was, taking not one, not two, but three (!) buses to get there, considering the first one was stopping short, grr. Happily, it all worked as well as could be expected - I got a seat downstairs on each, and every time the doors opened, we got a blast of cooler air.

Now, the pub above which this happens doesn't do food, so I had a scout around the neighbourhood, coming up with the nearby Ninth Ward. They don't take bookings for singles, so I just rocked up, and ended up at a communal table, just inside the door - I figured, again, it might be good for a breeze. As I approached, I saw signs on the windows about food, which was encouraging, but inside, I didn't see a menu, so I had to ask for one. Apart from "small bites", it's burgers, of which they have quite a range - I had the smoky bacon burger, and had to specify that I wanted it well done. They come with fries. I also had a glass of Sauvignon Blanc - annoyingly, like so many places around here, they don't serve anything but medium glasses.

Decor - smokehouse style. The Sauvignon Blanc, I have to say, was the worst I've had in years - literally tasted like water. I didn't even finish it, very unusually for me. My food arrived without too much delay - and wow, what a burger! Absolutely gorgeous - one of the best I've ever eaten! The chips - meh. But that burger is worth a visit.. despite their habit of serving them on brown paper. I'm sure I ended up eating some of that as well.. Music was good too. A nice spot, if you can find something decent to drink..

A short walk afterwards to The Green pub. Which turns out to be so small, most of the clientele were drinking outside on the pavement! Just as well they have a big swathe of pavement.. I went in to order, and asked at the bar for a large Sauvignon Blanc. Oh no, they don't have that.. one of those places that tends to sell wine no-one has heard of. Unable to recognise anything on the menu, I went for the house white - which was actually very tasty. Naturally, it only comes in medium. Certainly though, it was an improvement on what I'd had in Ninth Ward! I tried asking the guy whether the event upstairs was open - "No idea," was the response, "It's nothing to do with me". Hmph. Well, I wandered around for a while until I saw people heading up - by which stage I was nearly finished my glass, so I waited until I had, and got another to take up with me.

I was taking a seat by the time the event organiser, with the clipboard, noticed me and checked me off the list - I hadn't been able to see him either. Surprise, surprise, I'd found the right section - yes, well all I had to do was avoid all the tables with "Reserved" on them! which was most. Never mind, it was a decent view of the stage.. a very small and cramped room though. They had a fan on one of the windowsills, and one on the (apparently non-functional) bar.. not much use. He apologised - said once the sun moved away from wanting to shine directly in, they'd open the windows..

Good quality comedy, this. Improv, and tightly run - they ask for suggestions from the crowd, then take it in turns to see what they can make of them. I'm always in awe of people who can do this - when it's good, it's very good. Highlight of the first half was when they got a couple of volunteers from the audience to provide sound effects to a story they were acting out on stage - absolutely hilarious!

Sadly, there was no way I was staying for the second half, which is a pity - they deserve more. But it was just too damned stuffy! I was glad of the breeze on the way home - and that I only had to catch two buses. Getting home early these nights is also so handy for emergency shops..

Tomorrow, I'm back with Up in the Cheap Seats for Starlight Express! Heard of this, never seen it - it's at the new Wembley Park Theatre. And I'm trying out their Studio Five restaurant beforehand.

On Thursday, heading to Frankie Goes to Bollywood at the Queen Elizabeth Hall again - should be fun.

Then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend again. Film for Saturday - at last! - is Twisters, starring Daisy Edgar-Jones as one of the tornado-chasers. Now, I've heard mixed things about this - but hell, I love a good disaster film, loved the original Twister. I think I'll enjoy it - and am delighted not to be missing it; I was afraid I would! Showing at a nice, convenient time at the Omniplex, for once.

On Monday, heading to Next To Normal, at Wyndham's - cheapest tickets with TodayTix. Eating at Bella Italia (St. Martin's Lane) again. Now, that is a favourite of mine..

Next Tuesday, headed back with CT to Stagetime - more improvised comedy - at Shoreditch Balls! Eating at the nearby Blues Kitchen, which I love.

On the 7th, back with London Literary Walks for Dickens, Woolf and Lawrence. Meeting at The Dolphin, but they don't do food, so I'll eat at the nearby Isolabella Italian restaurant beforehand.

And on the 8th, back with Buddies on Budgets for a sketching evening (!) in Phoenix Garden. Tickets from Eventbrite. If I go.. not usually my thing, but we'll see.


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