
Showing posts from July, 2024

Comedy: Can We Have a Word?

Tonight, back with CT: for The Improv Comedy Show - Can We Have a Word? at  Upstairs at the Green . On what was the hottest day of the year so far - and there I was, taking not one, not two, but three (!) buses to get there, considering the first one was stopping short, grr. Happily, it all worked as well as could be expected - I got a seat downstairs on each, and every time the doors opened, we got a blast of cooler air. Now, the pub above which this happens doesn't do food, so I had a scout around the neighbourhood, coming up with the nearby Ninth Ward . They don't take bookings for singles, so I just rocked up, and ended up at a communal table, just inside the door - I figured, again, it might be good for a breeze. As I approached, I saw signs on the windows about food, which was encouraging, but inside, I didn't see a menu, so I had to ask for one. Apart from "small bites", it's burgers, of which they have quite a range - I had the smoky bacon burger, and

Play: Mnemonic

Tonight, finally went to  Mnemonic , at the  National , which Up in the Cheap Seats (UITCS) saw last Wednesday , but of course I was otherwise engaged that day. Did sound interesting though. For food beforehand, I decided on Black & Blue again - I really have to find a cheaper, decent option around here. I just booked this afternoon - needn't have bothered either, they were practically empty. The bus got me there in no time flat. I was given a choice of table or booth - I chose booth, it's handier for leaving my stuff on. I was in a frugal mood, so chose the prix fixe - steak frites and an ice cream sundae. I'm not mad about their starters. Had I not been in a frugal mood, I suppose I'd have gone for the fillet. They have two Sauvignon blancs - again, I saved myself £6 by going for the Stellenbosch, but I do know it's good. And although the steak used in the steak frites is rump - as they tell you on the menu - it was very tender, and very nicely cooked. Even

Social & Play: Comment Is Free

Yesterday was the next date possible for my ex-coworkers' reunion, what with everybody travelling hither and yon, and suffering from jetlag.. I was thinking of going back to  Brown's . But then Ivan requested today, because he was rehearsing yesterday - and the others were fine with it. But then he said he was needed in  Scotland , where his family lives, today, so kind of had to meet us yesterday.. he was cutting his rehearsal short.. and you might ask why I say it's like herding cats! So we were back to yesterday again..  I booked  The Albert  for yesterday, instead of today. I was lucky not to be going further west on the buses - they were all terminating at Victoria , because of the protests ! Anyway, James and I both arrived at the pub at the same time - while he stretched his legs briefly, I headed in and upstairs, where I was told meal reservations would be. No staff visible, so I found my table myself - and James was hot on my heels. Very shortly afterwards, a staf

Slave Play

Tonight, with Over 40 Living the Life again, for  Slave Play  - at the  Noel Coward , it got terrific  reviews . Stars  Kit Harington  - who gets his kit off! (pun intended). Ate in the nearby  Bella Italia  - happily, not the same branch as last night ! And also happily, I'd already worked so many hours this week that I could skive off early today.. whee! Having said that, I left later than I should have - underestimated how long it'd take.  So I ended up on the Northern Line - the wrong branch, so I had to go all the way down to Kennington and change to a train heading back the same way, on the other branch! It then took me a while to find the correct exit from Leicester Square Station - I'd booked for 5.45, but it was nearly 6 by the time I panted up to the door. Joined the inevitable queue - this time, at least, the maitre d' came out to enquire from people what the story was. So I told him I was slightly late for my reservation. He went and checked - even thoug

Walk: Newton and Legal London & Show: Afrique en Cirque

Last Wednesday, back with  London Literary Walks  (LLW) for a walk about  Newton and Legal London . We were meeting in  The Devereux , but they don't do proper meals - I ate in  The George , up the road, beforehand. At least, after  last week , I had some idea of the complicated street mapping! He didn't seem able to find my booking when I arrived - never mind, upon discovering that there was just one of me, he split a table that had been pushed against two others for a larger booking, and put me at it. Now, imagine having this guy staring down at you as you eat: The menu here is a little fancy. Of the meals I considered, I could have had fish n chips, or steak. I fancied steak. They have three kinds - none cheap. I chose the cheapest - flat iron - having had a good experience with that at the Angus . I asked for it medium, but was told that the chef tends to do it medium-rare.. the waiter said he'd ask for medium, on my behalf. I've had steak like that before, so said