Play: Sunsets

Today's schedule was greatly delayed by the fact that I couldn't decide whether I could be bothered with anything on Meetup . I finally decided I couldn't be bothered, and booked with CT instead, for a play called Sunsets , at the Seven Dials playhouse - mainly, to be honest, because it was the closest on offer cheaply. It sounded interesting, though - a woman, obsessed with rom-coms, decides to create one from her own life.. This, I could get a single bus to - had the misfortune to be sharing it with a number of second-level students, complete with uniforms. One was making herself truly objectionable, sat on a front window seat, her feet on the one beside. On the pair of seats behind her, her friend also occupied the window seat, her books or whatever on the seat beside. And the one in front must necessarily yell her conversation with her friend, sat right behind her, and whom she was turned to face - I was glad when they got off. Well, the theatre is a shor...