Frost Descends Social

Tonight, another social with The Hideout and their sister group, Movie Roadhouse London, at the BFI Riverfront Bar - this one was fetchingly called Frost Descent. How appropriate. Eating beforehand at The Archduke, as usual.

Ah man, what a busy day.. I was to be glad I was headed reasonably close to home, as I even had to run to Tesco beforehand! Cold as a.. (insert expletive here). Anyway, I arrived at the restaurant a little late, wasn't a problem.. warmed my hands on the candle on the table, not joking. When she came for my drink order, I gave her the whole order - I knew I wanted beef bourgignon. And wow, was it good.. and when she came to clear it away, I asked for the bill. I was in something of a hurry.

So, I arrived at the social a little ahead of the scheduled time, but I had heard it was going to start early - some of the group had decided to decamp to a table quiz at the Prince Charles. Never mind.. it was another very convivial social, lots of interesting chats had. And it was great to see people. We had to decamp downstairs about 9.30, but hung on there for a while.. And it was a good evening! Looking forward to the next event.

Tomorrow, the Crick Crack Club has an event in The Cube, Bristol - which has the advantage of having streaming tickets, one of which I've bought. I'll be in the office, and for once yes, heading home afterwards! The event is The Three Snake Leaves - and ironically, is happening in King's Place in January, which I'd have preferred - I always prefer to go to things in person, and especially storytelling. But never mind..

Then I'm back to Ireland for the weekend. No films left there that I haven't seen, and would like to see! On Monday, unless something else crops up, I'm thinking of just heading around the Southbank Winter Market..

On Tuesday - yes, film again, and indeed, documentary again. This time, it's The Ballymurphy Precedent - about the Ballymurphy massacre, where 11 innocent people were killed by members of the British Parachute Regiment - the same regiment that would be responsible for Bloody Sunday, five months later. As someone in the film rightly points out, if the Ballymurphy massacre had been properly investigated, likely Bloody Sunday wouldn't have happened.. and it was the catalyst for so much more.. Complete with intro, it's happening at the BFI, and was selling strongly, so I booked. Eating at The Archduke again afterwards.

Next Wednesday, I'm planning to head to the Theatre Royal Haymarket with Up in the Cheap Seats, who are going to see Waiting for Godot - I always love Beckett. Stars Ben Whishaw. Someone from the group has decided she'd rather a sun holiday, so I'm taking her ticket, which is a decent one.

And on the 28th, I'm thinking of film again - Cure is an unusually highly rated horror film, showing at the Prince Charles. Set in Japan, where a detective is flummoxed by a series of inexplicable murders, committed by people who all seem to have lost all trace of memory of the event!


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