"Darkness Falls" social & Film: Hallowe'en
Tonight, back with The Hideout (and their sister group, Movie Roadhouse (MRL)) for the Darkness Falls social (I think that's a lovely name). At the BFI , as usual - I booked to eat at The Archduke beforehand - and then they tacked on a trip to see Hallowe'en at the end of the night! I've seen it a million times - but hey, it's a classic, I could see it once more! Ah Lordy, the last post took so long to write.. what with having to finish the film listings, and actually book a lot of stuff at once, so I could say what was coming up.. I finished it in The Archduke, as the end of the post implied! I was sat overlooking the construction site outside - what with that, and the level of noise in the restaurant itself - plus the rumbling and vibration of trains overhead - I mused that the survey question they always send, about what the ambience is like, and where one of the options is "romantic", is a bit daft.. not to mention t...